CO2 Cage Product Tour

extraktLAB has effectively rid the extraction industry of the clumsy methods used in CO2 supply storage with the CO2Cage. The system is holds sixteen 100-pound liquid CO2 cylinders with a 1,600 total pounds of CO2 fed directly to the CO2 extractors from a bulk CO2 tank. Take an interactive tour of the CO2Cage below to see how this system changes CO2 supply completely.

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extraktLABโ€™s CO2Cage provides 1600 pounds of CO2 to supercritical CO2 extractors in a small, compact package. This system provides a safe, reliable, monitorable solution for CO2 supply in any extraction business. It incorporates sixteen, 100 pound liquid CO2 cylinders in a DOT certified attached to a single manifold that can be filled from a bulk CO2 tank. Equipped with load cell monitors constantly read the amount CO2 remaining and alarms for reminding operators when refilling is necessary. More onboard electronics including a touch screen monitor for ease of use, feed sensors for CO2 usage and CO2 alarms and shut-off system in case of leakage make the CO2Cage the most safe and efficient CO2 supply system in the industry.

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