Botanical Extraction and Business Calculators
Select from our wide range of calculators to analyze costs, estimate revenue, yield, initial investments and important metrics for your extraction business.
Manufacturing & Processing Calculators
Compare CO2 vs Ethanol Extraction Operating Costs
Calculate your yearly operating costs of CO2 vs Ethanol extraction using our estimator tool.
Calculate Terpene Boiling Point under Vacuum
This calculator uses the Clausius-Clapeyron Equation to calculate the boiling point under a vacuum.
Supercritical CO2 Extractor Revenue, Cost and Investment
Calculate your estimated revenue, cost of goods sold and initial investment for your Supercritical CO2 Extractor.
Calculate Extraction Through Distillation Automation Savings
This calculator will benchmark your estimated savings if you were to use an automated extraction method. Find data on overhead savings, direct labor savings, total estimated yearly savings, and more by using our calculator.
Environmental Sustainability Calculator: Ethanol vs Co2
This calculator converts BTUs, kilowatt-hours, solvent changeover, and energy into GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions that occur during cannabinoid processing.
Climate Credit Score
This calculator calculates your climate credit score. How sustainable is your operation?
Calculate Cost of Ethanol Evaporation
This calculator will estimate the electrical and solvent loss from heating, cooling, and evaporation of ethanol from CBD oil.
CBD Oil Yield from Outdoor Hemp Grow
This calculator estimates the weight of output CBD oil from hemp extraction for an outdoor grow.
Delta 9 Oil Yield Calculator based on Greenhouse Flowering Area
This calculator estimates the weight of output of your biomass, Delta 9 oil, and Delta 9 distillate for a given input of greenhouse flowering area.
Biomass Output Through Isolate (CBD Yield)
This calculator will estimate the weight of output through isolate for a given input of biomass.
CBD Yield Calculator – Hemp extraction of Biomass to Isolate
This calculator estimates the weight of output through isolate for a given input of biomass.
Dosage Calculators
CBD Tincture Manufacturing Calculator
This calculator will calculate the amount of cannabinoid, excipient, flavoring, and terpenes for your formula. Keep in mind, density of 1 g/mL is assumed for all ingredients.
Delta8 Gummies Dosage Calculator
This calculator estimates the dosage of Nemadji Manufactured Delta8 Gummies.
Delta 8 THC Tincture Manufacturing Calculator
This calculator estimates the amount of Delta 8 THC distillate, excipient, flavoriing, and terpenes to make your formula.