CO2 Supply

CO2 Cage & MPCart Solution

The CO2Cage and MPCart are a CO2 supply solution designed to hold your bulk gas or liquefied gas via 16 integrated and manifolded 100 lb DOT-approved gas/liquid cylinders. This is typically used in applications where the installation of refrigerated bulk tanks is not feasible or available. Keep production moving forward with non-stop CO2 Supply.

Advantages of COSupply Management Solutions & Applications

CO2 is often utilized in a variety of processes within the extraction, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries among many others. The CO2Cage is a CO2 cryo tank supply vessel that holds your business’s bulk gas or liquefied gas via 16 integrated and manifolded 100 lb DOT-approved gas or liquid CO2 tanks. This microbulk tank is typically used in applications where the installation of refrigerated bulk storage tanks is not feasible or available.

There are many CO2 applications and unlike other cryogenic storage tank options, the CO2Cage solution has a range of benefits including:

  • Built-in CO2 monitoring and ventilation
  • Consistent delivery of gas
  • Eliminate gas outages
  • Eliminate CO2 gas waste and cumbersome gas cylinders
  • High pressure system can deliver up to 1200 psi liquid or gas. 
  • Gas or liquid can then be efficiently pumped to each point of use.
  • Automated filling using a liquid CO2 pump from a large CO2 tank
CO2 Supply Solution CO2 Cage with MPCart CO2 pump

Food and Beverage

Among the most popular CO2 applications, liquid or solid CO2 (dry ice) is commonly used in these industries as a method of cooling, quick freezing, and refrigeration. It is also used to carbonate beverages such as sodas, beers, and wine. This is a great way to prevent fungal and bacterial growth in these beverages. It can also be used to neutralize drinking water.

Extraction CO2 Applications

In its liquid form, CO2 is an excellent solvent capable of extracting desired and undesired compounds from a food, beverage or other material. A longstanding use of this extraction method is the decaffeination of coffee. It is also used to create essential oils and herbal supplements as well. More recently, supercritical CO2 has become an extraction method of choice in the hemp and botanical extraction industry. Using CO2 as an extraction solvent as opposed to ethanol or hydrocarbons reduces the chance to leave unwanted residuals in a final hemp extract product.


Dry ice pellets are often used as an alternative to sandblasting when removing paint from surfaces. This drastically reduces the need and costs for cleanup and disposal that would result from sandblasting as the dry ice sublimates after use leaving little to no waste product after the blasting is done.

Environmental CO2 Applications

CO2 can be used as a propellant in replacement of less “green” alternatives found in aerosol cans. Manufacturing operations that use solvents for extraction often convert to CO2 in an effort to be more mindful of their environmental impact.

Laser Cutting

CO2 powered lasers are commonly used for engraving, cutting and boring by passing an electric current through the gas. These high powered lasers can cut through steel, fabrics, ceramics, wood, glass and even titanium.

Welding Gas

CO2 is also used for a variety of welding applications as a welding gas in combination with argon. The benefit of using CO2 as a welding gas is the prevention of airborne contamination from molten metals because of the purity of CO2.

Whether you are in pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, extraction or any other industry using CO2 applications, extraktLAB has a solution with the CO2Cage and MPCART system. Contact us today to find out how the extraktLAB solution will benefit you.

Solution for Smaller CO2 Systems

CO2 supply systems can be configured to the size of your CO2 extraction product line. A single CO2Cage can be connected to a single extractor. In this solution, you would need one CO2 Cage per extractor.

Small Product Line CO2 Supply Solution

Solution for Larger CO2 Systems

If your product line is larger than one extractor, then you may want to incorporate a CO2 system with a single micro bulk tank storage outside and an MPCart inside to provide a continuous supply line to the CO2Cage. In this solution, you would need one CO2 Cage per three extractors.

co2 supply configuration without blankets

Access Our COSupply Product and System

Get started with our microbulk tank CO2 supply management systems and find out which solution fits best for your business.

CO2 Cage

extraktLAB’s bulk CO2 systems provide 1600 lb of CO2 in a small, compact package. This system allows the customer and the gas supplier to monitor usage and provide automatic refilling depending on the supply strategy greatly reducing labor time and costs.

The CO2Cage is rated for indoor use and is a safe and convenient solution for constant CO2 pressure input levels required for efficient extraction. All tanks are USDOT and TC rated. All applicable standards for use in the United States and Canada under the USDOT PHMSA and Transport Canada Reciprocity Agreement.

These cryogenic tanks are capable of maintaining the cryogenic fluid at a specially low temperature. This is often accomplished with an active refrigeration unit or a vacuum jacketed tank. A liquid CO2 pump can also be used to fill a micro bulk tank or supply a process directly from this bulk CO2 tank.


How Bulk CO2 Systems Work

A CO2 bulk tank typically feeds a microbulk CO2 tank. Bulk CO2 tanks can range from 3 to 50 tons. Both tanks are typically also cryogenic tanks  that are designed to keep the cryogenic fluid cold so that it does not vent off and waste the cryogenic liquid.

In contrast, a micro bulk CO2 tank will typically range from a half a ton to a ton and are typically not refrigerated. Micro bulk tanks are typically filled periodically by beverage CO2 Supply trucks or they can be installed in bulk CO2 systems that are supplied from a bulk tank. The system is capable of storing 1600 lbs of liquid CO2.

Problems with CO2 Gas Cylinders

Manufacturers and businesses often need a larger CO2 supply of cryogenic CO2 than is conveniently supplied in small gas cylinders. There are many different volumes of gas cylinders that are available on the market but CO2 gas cylinders come with several different disadvantages. These disadvantages include:

How the CO2Cage Bulk CO2 Systems Solve these Problems

CO2 bulk systems solve these problems through innovative engineering solutions. First, the system monitors the weight of CO2 that is in the micro bulk tank at all times. That means that you or your CO2 supplier will be able to monitor the amount of CO2 usage everyday. The system can be configured to provide a text or email message at a critical low point. You will also be able to tell how much CO2 was dispensed from the supply truck or bulk CO2 tank into your system.

One of the key advantages with the micro bulk CO2 system is that it maintains the pressure of the CO2 independent of the ambient temperature in the room. It does this by conditioning the fluid in the cylinders and maintaining the temperature so that processes can be controlled downstream. This is important in brewing applications and also in extraction applications.

When CO2 tanks are installed indoors, venting must be installed in the room in order to accommodate a CO2 leak. The fire code has established these rules and has also established CO2 monitoring requirements for the room. One of the key advantages of our micro bulk CO2 tank is that it is completely enclosed so that event can be hooked up to the microphone tank to provide the proper amount of venting.

Second, the system also has a built-in CO2 monitoring and alarm so that in the event of a leak, the vent fan will turn on as well as alert the user and the employees that are in the room that a leak exists.

The system eliminates the need for frequent change out of gas cylinders. As an integrated system, only one Inlet is needed to fill the micro bulk tank and only one outlet is provided for CO2 liquid or gas. It is the best way to supply CO2 to your extraction process and is applicable to a variety of manufacturers who utilize CO2.

Jump Start Your Business with Our Complete Solution

extraktLAB’s is here providing a reliable CO2 Supply to your process with the help of bulk CO2 systems compact package.

CO2 Pump | mpcart

What is the MPCart CO2 Pump?

The MPCart is a step up CO2 pump mounted on a moveable cart integrated with the operating functions of the CO2 cage. It draws CO2 from outdoor bulk storage tanks or supply trucks at 300 PSI and steps the pressure up to 800 PSI to keep the CO2 Cage full.

How Does the CO2 Pump Work?

The MPCart liquid CO2 pump is controlled directly by the electronics and touch screen display. The mobile CO2 booster pump comes with 120 feet (36.6 m) of CO2 hose and power cabling for maximum versatility in factory floor placement. The pump is installed on casters and can hook directly to a CO2 bulk tank with a 5 inch diameter Inlet hose. Alternatively, the MPCART can be installed stationary.

MPCart provides dependable liquid carbon dioxide (CO2) pumping solution for microbulk CO2 supply. Our system incorporates the best liquid CO2 pumps on the market for a number of applications.

The equipment pumps liquid CO2 from a supply truck or a bulk tank to the microbulk system. The CO2 pump connects directly to the CO2 microbulk tank and is automatically controlled from the control panel on the front of the microbulk system or from the touchscreen panel on the CO2 pump unit.

The liquid CO2 pump must be installed in close proximity to the bulk CO2 tank. In other words the inlet to the pump must be very close to the liquid CO2 source.The liquid CO2 pump can convey liquid CO2 over a large distance far exceeding a hundred feet.

If the CO2 pump is to be controlled by and automatically fill the microbulk system, it must be electrically wired in. We have either wireless or wired options for this filling operation. When the micro bulk system calls for CO2, a signal is sent to the pump to turn on. The pump provides pressurized CO2 to the system and when the system detects it is nearing its maximum weight, it turns the pump off.


Pumping liquid CO2 is challenging because the pumps must be able to pump at high pressures and also be self-lubricating. extraktLab’s MPCart is a liquid CO2 pump and an advanced solution for pumping CO2 liquids from bulk tanks to fill CO2 micro bulk tanks as required.

The MPcart is a mobile or stationary plumbed inline CO2 pump solution and integrates with the CO2 Cage. When the MP Cart is paired with the CO2 Cage, you get the following advantages:

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